This leads us to the second question of love; why? What on Earth would be the purpose of experiencing true, unconditional love? Why is it not enough to simply love your partner, parent, child or friend in the ways you already do? Why would I ever want to love an ‘evil’ person? Well, we have established that love is an incredible source of positive energy, giving you the strength to do more, feel more, to raise your spirit and your mind to a higher state of being. In most cases, this intense level of love is only felt in the intimate relations with one other individual… your partner. Love for your family is different, but no less powerful. That sort of love empowers you in different ways. There are many who do not love their family member for various reasons however. Perhaps you were mentally or physically abused or you may have had a falling out over something, but most of you will know the feeling of love to some degree.
So what could we gain from unconditional love? Well, first off would be that loss of any need to ‘gain’ anything from it at all, or to gain anything for any reason any more. True love means to separate yourself from the bodily and egotistical desires to obtain ‘things’, including the love of another person. The ironic thing is, the less you ‘need’ the acceptance of others and the more you move into a state of being true to your own inner signals, the more the world appears to ‘give’ you what you need. Therein lies the secret to it all. True inner peace comes not from outer sources, but from within your own mind, right now. You are fully equipped with everything you need right at this moment to achieve total happiness and to move into a place of unconditional love. Even the need or attachment to life itself, to being ‘alive’ in this form can be given up. It’s in doing this that we find the path to forgiveness and acceptance of others, even those who seek to harm. Simply being in a state of sending love out into the world and to all living things is all that is needed to receive the same love upon yourself, because if your mind is geared to the outward experience of love, then all that can possibly return to you is a feeling of ‘being’ loved. It’s about knowing and understanding that each person is on their own spiritual path and that you are not responsible for the actions of another. Just as nobody can be held responsible for our actions. That’s free will (or as close to free will as is possible). However, we do have the power to affect the actions of others through the energy we present to them. If we send nothing but loving thoughts and feelings to a person they will be profoundly changed by it. Perhaps not immediately or in the manner we desire, but if we detach from the outcome we can focus on the love.
The point of all this is as follows; Our entire life is driven by the need for energy. We eat to provide our body with nutrients for physical functioning and we sleep to replenish and heal from the days activities. However, with all the efforts we put into obtaining energy we are still quite often greatly lacking in it. I noticed the expression of my energy, or lack of, for myself with a simple daily activity involving mental focus levels. I observed that the simple activity of sliding my house key into the lock on my front door was achieved in a very vague manner. As I paid attention to the manner in which I did this I noticed the lack of real focus on aiming well enough to even make direct contact with the key hole. We have all noticed this simple phenomenon. How often do you find yourself fumbling with the key, trying repeatedly to actually get the key in the damn hole to unlock the door? I began to ask myself why this simple task proved so difficult. The answer was simple; focus. I was not truly focusing on the keyhole itself, but rather on the area around the hole as my hand vaguely stabbed away until I made contact. So I repeated the action, but this time I focussed directly on the keyhole and visualized the key sliding neatly in. Presto! It worked a dream first time. The same can be said for catching a ball. When you actually fix your eye on the ball in mid air as it comes towards you instead of on the space all around it, you find you almost cannot miss catching it. Try that for yourself.
So what does all this strange behaviour have to do with the purpose of love? Well it occurred to me that the reason we cannot apply full focus on every activity that we undertake is because it takes a lot of mental energy to do so and as I said before, we usually don’t have that much to spare. Imagine what we could do if we were able to put our full focus on every activity we ever took on. The possibilities become limitless. With infinite energy to apply our minds and bodies to any task, there is essentially no reason to believe that we could not, for instance, fly. After all, the whole universe is made up of energy, including us, and if we had the mental strength to control the energy within us and around us, then there seems to be no logical reason why we could not fly. We could all essentially become ‘super-human’. The film The Matrix had a very profound message to share about the power of the mind. And where can we obtain such levels of energy? Love. Consider how powerful you feel when you are in the full force of a new love. That feeling is a result of your own inner choice to channel positive energy toward one single person. Consider the energy levels you could attain if that power was extended to two people, or ten. Now imagine that the entire planet had managed to reach a level of complete and unconditional love for all things. We are talking about the combined positive energy of over 6 billion people, not to mention the energy it would generate for the rest of the planet and its inhabitants. There would be no war, no fear, no hatred… nothing but the full and total expression of love for all. The amount of energy that would create is unfathomable. Our limitations would literally melt away. This, I believe, is the ultimate goal of our next evolutionary step. This may bring the dawn of a time in which the limitations of the physical body, of the very dimensions in which we currently exist, would simply disappear. There may literally be nothing beyond the reach of our imaginations. And all this is possible in the simple yet powerful expression that is love.
So, my belief in all this is that we have been given, if you will, the gift of love as a means of providing the access to the highest state of being… nirvana. To literally reach ‘Heaven’. To be at one with ‘God’. I believe it is the very thing that religion has been trying to teach us from day one. Perhaps the reason Jesus Christ was able to ‘walk on water’ and ‘turn water into wine’ was simply because he had the energy to do so. The energy to affect the world around him and simply ‘will’ such things into existence. Perhaps that was the very essence of Christ’s message. He was acting as a living example of the possibilities of the human mind, the human heart.
I can predict your interjections already. That’s all good and well but it’s unrealistic, idealistic, not within the realm of possibility, nothing more than the foolish hopes and dreams of a misguided young man. Well, all of these would be natural reactions to the claims I have just made. A ‘realists’ response to the concept. But a realist is in truth nothing more than someone whose idealistic dreams have been squashed by the fears of the world in which we find ourselves. But that does not make those fears real. So how can this scenario ever find its way into reality? Undeniably this is no small task, but there is a way. The method requires no money, no technology, no science, no committees… nothing. In fact all that is needed to achieve a world vibrating at the level of pure love is right at your fingertips this very moment. It all comes down to one simple thing; choice. The choice we all have within us to choose love over fear. To rise above the external impulses of the world and to listen to your own inner signals. It’s certainly no easy task, but the most valuable and fulfilling journey one could ever embark upon.
In truth it seems highly unlikely that the entire human race could make such a transformation within our lifetime, or for that matter a hundred lifetimes… but we can get there. The journey can begin this very instant… with you. The more love you are able to generate in your own life, the more you will affect the people around you. Even a perfect stranger sitting near you on a bus would feel the power of your energy. If all you achieve for that person is to bring about a smile, or to quiet their mind of the negative thoughts that cloud it, then you have made a difference. Mark my words, your expression of love on the world would change those around you. The love would spread one person at a time. The dream is possible. It’s simply a matter of choice for you. And besides, even if the world doesn’t change over night, your experience of living in it will. As I said before, when you come from a place of love in your own heart, you will only receive love in return. At the very least, your life will become one of joy, passion and spiritual fulfilment. Certainly an effort worth making… don’t you think?
1 comment:
Your eloquence is as I expected, nothing less. You are indigo. such a pleasure to know you!
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