Love – Evolution and how to Save the World (part 2)

This leads us to the second question of love; why? What on Earth would be the purpose of experiencing true, unconditional love? Why is it not enough to simply love your partner, parent, child or friend in the ways you already do? Why would I ever want to love an ‘evil’ person? Well, we have established that love is an incredible source of positive energy, giving you the strength to do more, feel more, to raise your spirit and your mind to a higher state of being. In most cases, this intense level of love is only felt in the intimate relations with one other individual… your partner. Love for your family is different, but no less powerful. That sort of love empowers you in different ways. There are many who do not love their family member for various reasons however. Perhaps you were mentally or physically abused or you may have had a falling out over something, but most of you will know the feeling of love to some degree.

So what could we gain from unconditional love? Well, first off would be that loss of any need to ‘gain’ anything from it at all, or to gain anything for any reason any more. True love means to separate yourself from the bodily and egotistical desires to obtain ‘things’, including the love of another person. The ironic thing is, the less you ‘need’ the acceptance of others and the more you move into a state of being true to your own inner signals, the more the world appears to ‘give’ you what you need. Therein lies the secret to it all. True inner peace comes not from outer sources, but from within your own mind, right now. You are fully equipped with everything you need right at this moment to achieve total happiness and to move into a place of unconditional love. Even the need or attachment to life itself, to being ‘alive’ in this form can be given up. It’s in doing this that we find the path to forgiveness and acceptance of others, even those who seek to harm. Simply being in a state of sending love out into the world and to all living things is all that is needed to receive the same love upon yourself, because if your mind is geared to the outward experience of love, then all that can possibly return to you is a feeling of ‘being’ loved. It’s about knowing and understanding that each person is on their own spiritual path and that you are not responsible for the actions of another. Just as nobody can be held responsible for our actions. That’s free will (or as close to free will as is possible). However, we do have the power to affect the actions of others through the energy we present to them. If we send nothing but loving thoughts and feelings to a person they will be profoundly changed by it. Perhaps not immediately or in the manner we desire, but if we detach from the outcome we can focus on the love.

The point of all this is as follows; Our entire life is driven by the need for energy. We eat to provide our body with nutrients for physical functioning and we sleep to replenish and heal from the days activities. However, with all the efforts we put into obtaining energy we are still quite often greatly lacking in it. I noticed the expression of my energy, or lack of, for myself with a simple daily activity involving mental focus levels. I observed that the simple activity of sliding my house key into the lock on my front door was achieved in a very vague manner. As I paid attention to the manner in which I did this I noticed the lack of real focus on aiming well enough to even make direct contact with the key hole. We have all noticed this simple phenomenon. How often do you find yourself fumbling with the key, trying repeatedly to actually get the key in the damn hole to unlock the door? I began to ask myself why this simple task proved so difficult. The answer was simple; focus. I was not truly focusing on the keyhole itself, but rather on the area around the hole as my hand vaguely stabbed away until I made contact. So I repeated the action, but this time I focussed directly on the keyhole and visualized the key sliding neatly in. Presto! It worked a dream first time. The same can be said for catching a ball. When you actually fix your eye on the ball in mid air as it comes towards you instead of on the space all around it, you find you almost cannot miss catching it. Try that for yourself.

So what does all this strange behaviour have to do with the purpose of love? Well it occurred to me that the reason we cannot apply full focus on every activity that we undertake is because it takes a lot of mental energy to do so and as I said before, we usually don’t have that much to spare. Imagine what we could do if we were able to put our full focus on every activity we ever took on. The possibilities become limitless. With infinite energy to apply our minds and bodies to any task, there is essentially no reason to believe that we could not, for instance, fly. After all, the whole universe is made up of energy, including us, and if we had the mental strength to control the energy within us and around us, then there seems to be no logical reason why we could not fly. We could all essentially become ‘super-human’. The film The Matrix had a very profound message to share about the power of the mind. And where can we obtain such levels of energy? Love. Consider how powerful you feel when you are in the full force of a new love. That feeling is a result of your own inner choice to channel positive energy toward one single person. Consider the energy levels you could attain if that power was extended to two people, or ten. Now imagine that the entire planet had managed to reach a level of complete and unconditional love for all things. We are talking about the combined positive energy of over 6 billion people, not to mention the energy it would generate for the rest of the planet and its inhabitants. There would be no war, no fear, no hatred… nothing but the full and total expression of love for all. The amount of energy that would create is unfathomable. Our limitations would literally melt away. This, I believe, is the ultimate goal of our next evolutionary step. This may bring the dawn of a time in which the limitations of the physical body, of the very dimensions in which we currently exist, would simply disappear. There may literally be nothing beyond the reach of our imaginations. And all this is possible in the simple yet powerful expression that is love.

So, my belief in all this is that we have been given, if you will, the gift of love as a means of providing the access to the highest state of being… nirvana. To literally reach ‘Heaven’. To be at one with ‘God’. I believe it is the very thing that religion has been trying to teach us from day one. Perhaps the reason Jesus Christ was able to ‘walk on water’ and ‘turn water into wine’ was simply because he had the energy to do so. The energy to affect the world around him and simply ‘will’ such things into existence. Perhaps that was the very essence of Christ’s message. He was acting as a living example of the possibilities of the human mind, the human heart.

I can predict your interjections already. That’s all good and well but it’s unrealistic, idealistic, not within the realm of possibility, nothing more than the foolish hopes and dreams of a misguided young man. Well, all of these would be natural reactions to the claims I have just made. A ‘realists’ response to the concept. But a realist is in truth nothing more than someone whose idealistic dreams have been squashed by the fears of the world in which we find ourselves. But that does not make those fears real. So how can this scenario ever find its way into reality? Undeniably this is no small task, but there is a way. The method requires no money, no technology, no science, no committees… nothing. In fact all that is needed to achieve a world vibrating at the level of pure love is right at your fingertips this very moment. It all comes down to one simple thing; choice. The choice we all have within us to choose love over fear. To rise above the external impulses of the world and to listen to your own inner signals. It’s certainly no easy task, but the most valuable and fulfilling journey one could ever embark upon.

In truth it seems highly unlikely that the entire human race could make such a transformation within our lifetime, or for that matter a hundred lifetimes… but we can get there. The journey can begin this very instant… with you. The more love you are able to generate in your own life, the more you will affect the people around you. Even a perfect stranger sitting near you on a bus would feel the power of your energy. If all you achieve for that person is to bring about a smile, or to quiet their mind of the negative thoughts that cloud it, then you have made a difference. Mark my words, your expression of love on the world would change those around you. The love would spread one person at a time. The dream is possible. It’s simply a matter of choice for you. And besides, even if the world doesn’t change over night, your experience of living in it will. As I said before, when you come from a place of love in your own heart, you will only receive love in return. At the very least, your life will become one of joy, passion and spiritual fulfilment. Certainly an effort worth making… don’t you think?

Love – Evolution and how to Save the World (part 1)

Some time ago I found myself asking a question humankind has pondered since the dawn of the creative mind; what is love? But as I thought about it I realized that this question is somewhat incomplete and that there is another angle that needs to be explored in order to gain greater understanding of love; why do we love? Before I go into this I feel I need to provide you with a little background as to how I came to my conclusions on love.

The universe, I have discovered, is made up of one basic force; energy, and it comes in two forms; positive and negative (we’ll ignore neutral energies for now). All ‘living’ things in this universe are governed by and use energy to exist, and we are no exception. Now, regardless of your thoughts on the evolution of man, there are a few things that science generally agrees upon. At an early stage of our development we were essentially herbivorous creatures, who most likely moved about on all fours as the great apes of the world still do today. At some point in our evolution our diet changed to include meat, raw obviously. This simple change of diet altered the chemical make-up of our brains drastically in that it provided us with protein and other nutrients sufficient enough to facilitate an evolution of sorts. With this new energy we eventually began to walk upright on two legs and gained a significant advantage over our fellow creatures of the world. Essentially, our hands became free to use tools, our speed and agility increased and the ability to think creatively was boosted. Now, without going into the details of the following few hundred thousand years I’ll skip forward to today.

Today, mankind appears to be at the threshold of a crisis that could possibly see the end of our very existence on this planet. Essentially, and without delving into the political or religious arena too deeply to explain, we have become extremely fearful and destructive creatures. We go about our days feeling isolated, alone, and terrified of pretty much everything imaginable, including ourselves. We are afraid to look in the mirror most days in case we find a grey hair or blemish, we are afraid to walk down the street, eat food, drink water, talk to other humans, even to think outside the limited spectrum of acceptable thoughts we have been indoctrinated to believe. The list is endless and growing every day. But, there is hope. At the other end of the emotional spectrum, the positive to fears’ negative, is love.

At the simplest level we could argue that love exists as a means to assist us in finding a mate for the purpose of breeding in order to maintain the species. But why have love beyond conception? Well the answer might be so that we are bonded enough with our mate to share the efforts of rearing and guiding our children at least to the point of them being self reliant. This may very well be a part of the reasons of love, but does not answer other questions such as why we love our parents, our friends, why we stay with our mates (ideally) until death etc. Again, all this could be placed under the vague reasoning that we do all of this in order to survive. In essence we need the cooperation of others to survive effectively and ensure the future of our DNA. The survival of our DNA (even in its generational variations) is a form of immortality if you will, something we all instinctively desire.

But there must be more to love than merely survival. After all, all kinds of animals and plants manage to survive, far longer than we have in most cases too. And if love is needed for survival then one could logically argue that a plant feels love? Plants have existed on this planet far longer than any animal, ever. In a spiritual, other-worldly sense I suppose it could be possible, but without the cognitive power to process such an emotion this is a relatively null argument. So, again, what is love and why do we feel it? The answer seems pretty simple, yet some may say highly idealistic. But fear is the only part of us that judges anything to be idealistic, and we are talking about love.

Like I said before, the universe is governed by one almighty force; energy. This is the force spoken of in the religions of the worlds. Some call this force God, Allah, Kali, Chi etc. We feel that energy flowing through us and around us all day, every day. In the upper, more noticeable levels, our energy, and its varying types, has its’ sources in many places. We are highly capable of intuitively feeling another persons’ energy simply by walking in the room. Notice when somebody nearby is sad, we feel heavier and slower as we too tap into their energy level. Or when we are in a room filled with laughter we find ourselves brighten up and start smiling. Energy is a shared force. We do not own it yet we are a part of it. It can control us, but we too can control it. We have the ability to choose whether or not a situation will have a negative affect on us, even if you have yet to tap into it. We can not only gain energy from the people around us, but from the trees, water, air, animals, and at the highest level we generate our own energy from our very minds.

This energy, as I mentioned before, has a positive and a negative force to it. In the struggle to feed our own energy levels we often ‘steal’ it from other people. We do this every time we belittle somebody, embarrass, ridicule, threaten etc. The result may be that we attain a higher level of physical energy, but our mental energies vibrate with negativity, even if we aren’t consciously aware of it. This is the essential function of the ego; to act as a generator of energy. Unfortunately it is a weak substitute for the much more powerful generators we have within us all. But in order to consciously operate those higher energy generators we must first kill the ego. Not an easy task.

So to tackle the first question (finally) we can explore what love really is. Love is the greatest source of positive energy available in the known universe. Not Lust, not obligation or responsibility as love can often be confused for, but love. If you’ve ever been fortunate enough to experience intimate love for another human, usually a partner or child, then you will know how it can make you feel. Love can raise you into the stratosphere emotionally and spiritually. You feel indestructible and deliriously happy when love enters your life. You have more energy and your compassion towards others increases ten-fold, especially in the early stages of a new love. But for the most part we only ever experience a portion of loves true power in our lifetime. There is a much higher state of love, that of true, limitless and unconditional love. The sort of love written about in scripture. The love of ‘God’. The truth be known, however, ‘God’ is love. Part two of this truth is that we are in no way separate from this love… from ‘God’. We are all one force and entirely capable of experiencing and, in actuality, becoming true love. There are a few who glimpse love in its’ truest and most powerful form, but most of us never come close. That is not to say we are incapable of it but rather we are misdirected by our numerous layers of fear and the ever-present ego. But the love I speak of is of the sort it is possible to feel for even the most feared and hated things of our existence. True unconditional love would have us forgive and embrace such people as Osama Bin Laden, Adolf Hitler and even George W Bush. The sort of love that we are capable of giving even to someone who may have raped you as a young girl or slaughtered your family in cold blood.

You may at this point be thinking this to be complete insanity or delusion. After all, how can you feel love for somebody who performs such atrocities as to murder a child or bring down the world trade centres in New York? How could you forgive and embrace the murderer of a loved one? Well, perhaps you should ask Jesus Christ these questions. If we look at the life of Christ (regardless of your religious stance) we see a man who lived in the very spirit of love to which I am referring. Even whilst hanging on the cross we are told he wished no ill to his executioners. Throughout his entire life, Jesus experienced full and unconditional love for all things. Now, I am essentially an atheist, which is to say I do not follow the doctrines of the organized religions of the world, yet I can see an ultimate truth to the stories being told in the various religions of both the east and west (as misguided as they may or may not have become)… love. But let me be clear here, unconditional love does not mean rolling over and being stomped into the ground by an aggressor while singing ‘The Hills Are Alive’ and weeping with compassion for this person. No, judgement must still play a part in it all, but it is your attachment to the outcomes of life that make the difference. We may wish for a ‘perfect’ world, but to be attached to the outcome is the same as ‘fearing’ that this perfect world will never come. That is not true love.

Time – the 4th Dimension of Mind

“The distinction between the past, the present and the future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion”
- Albert Einstein

"Time is a confidence trick invented by the Swiss"
- Woody Allen

The DeLorean roars to life as Marty slams the pedal to the floor in a jolt of powerful acceleration. Doc re-connects the broken cable just as lightning strikes the clock tower. With perfect synchronicity the energy bolt shoots directly into the flux capacitor as the DeLorean contacts the cable, but the flux capacitor fails and Marty is burnt to a crisp as the car ignites and slams into the shop front ahead. Doc is flash fried in the explosion and nobody lives to travel ‘back to the future’.

Why? Well, here’s the thing... Time does not exist. I’ll just let that sink in for a moment.

There is no future and there is no past. Never was. Everything that ever happened is merely a memory, and everything that ever will happen is simply an abstract perception. Time is merely a condition of the mind and has no existence outside of it. In a way, humans invented time as a means to measure, record and predict events so as to better understand and catalogue them. So if time does not exist what is there? Time has to exist right? I mean you’re reading this right now and it’s taking up time to do it, isn’t it? Not quite. The only aspect of any kind of time is this moment right now, this very instant, and it is eternal, yet fleeting. We exist in the instant in which the perceived future becomes the remembered past. Your activity may change, your location may change and your physical body may change, but it all happens in the same eternal moment we all exist in; this one right now.

But, I hear you say, if time does not exist, how is it that I age? Well, age has nothing to do with so called ‘time’. Age is merely your body experiencing entropy [the change, decay, death and rebirth of cells etc.] All things that exist in the universe are bound to the laws of entropy. The fact that we can remember a time when we were young, and predict a time when we will be old and die are merely perceptions in your mind, but they are not real in the tangible sense. Memory is a very unreliable tool. We use time to help us file events into sequential order to better understand them.

Now, the non-existence of time does not mean that events did not happen. Everything that ever has happened or ever will are not changed by this concept, it simply means that they exist only in the mind. Change is happening all around you. Change is eternal, but it is all happening in this very same instant, passing from future to past in one eternal moment.

Let’s take a look at another example of time apparently passing; night and day. The very measuring stick we use when discussing time. Stepping up one level we have the Earth year. Well these things have nothing to do with ‘time’ but are simply a relationship made by us to explain the spinning of the planet and its’ revolutions of the Sun. It works conveniently for us but doesn’t prove the existence of time. And besides, where do we draw the line? The measurement of time we use on Earth will not be appropriate on Mars or Pluto or for the Sun itself. Not to mention the endless other planets, moons, stars etc in the universe. All things are relative. If humans ever manage to colonise Mars, for example, they will have to develop a new time system to function with. After all, Mars spins at a different rate and revolves around the Sun differently.

What about the speed of light? For years that has been a benchmark for measuring time in the universe. But science is discovering that even the speed of light is not constant. Gravity saw to that. Think of black holes. It seems the denser the gravity, the slower ‘time’ appears to pass. But only according to the poor fellow who found himself hurtling into one. His buddy watching from the event horizon saw his friends’ destruction in an instant. Time is measured merely by the individual perceiving it.

Time is a perception of the mind and can be altered. We can do this in many ways, most of which involve the rhythm of our brain waves. Take for example the snooze button on your alarm clock. 7am strikes and you slam your hand on snooze. You slip back asleep and begin a marathon acid trip of the mind that we call dreaming. You travel across the galaxies and have detailed conversations with your dead pet, Scribbles, before painting the Eiffel Tower and falling off a cliff. You wake up enough to peer at the clock and realize that only one minute has passed. It’s a strange phenomenon no doubt, but many of us have experienced it. Marijuana, alcohol, meditation, these can all effect out relationship to time. The speed of the clock doesn’t change, but our perception of time can be altered drastically. A minute can seem like an hour and vice-verse. If time exists in the mind then it only makes sense that the rhythm of our brain-wave patterns can change it.

Part of the discomfort of coming to terms with a universe devoid of time is the realization that time travel cannot exist. For most of us the concept of time travel is a silly notion meant for science fiction and children’s tales, but I dare you to deny that on some base level you do not hold hope that somehow time travel is possible. It is a product of our natural desire for immortality that we quietly dream of travelling through time. It can be such a romantic and thrilling concept to perhaps have the opportunity see the dinosaurs, the building of the pyramids, or witness your own birth. Or perhaps to change the past in order to alter the future. What if you could go back and stop Hitler’s rise to power? Or travel forward beyond your years and see where the human species is going, and beyond. So we cling to the imprinted need to believe in time, perhaps because it feels safe or because it provides us an excuse to do nothing because there just isn’t enough time.

Not enough time.

It’s a notion that seems to play on all of our minds. It eats at us, causes stress and has us watching the clock knowing that someday that clock will tick for the final time and we will have to face our ultimate destiny. Time is a prison for the mind. We build our lives around it and are slaves to its unbearable, unchangeable persistence. Realizing, however, that time never actually existed in the first place can free us all. No longer are we bound by the relentless drum-beat of that inevitable tick of doom. In a world without time we are free to just ‘be’... to break free of the past and future... to live in the moment... to be truly present and to live, literally, like there is no tomorrow. Because there is only now, and this moment is eternal. As are we.

Us and Them – Breaking Down Borders

“What good is the moon if you can't buy it or sell it?”
- Ivan Boesky, Wall Street trader.

So I’ve decided to see the world and broaden my horizons. Experience more of what life has to offer and meet some interesting people. Take in more of nature’s beauty and diversity. Perhaps I’ll move to America, or France or the Democratic Republic of the Congo. So what’s stopping me? If I can get the money for a ticket, it should be all I need. Hell, if I can build myself a dingy out of road-kill and dry turds I should be able to go where I like, right? Shit, I’d have earned it by then wouldn’t you say? Wrong. We still seem to have this small-minded, medieval belief in national borders. If I want to go anywhere beyond my bedroom I need to apply for a Visa, prove I have skill and money and that I’m willing to pledge my allegiance to a king and convert to Voodoo so I don’t disrupt the delicate order of the kindly natives I endeavour to co-mingle with. The local government has to reassure themselves first that I am not a ‘terrorist’ or that I’m not planning to overthrow the government… like the British, the French or the Spanish have done so brutally before. Or like the glorious and righteous nation of the United States of America are essentially doing right now. No, they already have enough to worry about without having to deal with the likes of me, a… gulp… foreigner, an… alien. No, I’m far too scary to be allowed to just go wherever I please, spreading my ideas to the gentler folk of this world. Says who? Rich white men with too much at stake that’s who.

The world of today is essentially no different to the world we lived in a thousand years ago. We are still bound by political borders that exist for only a few pathetic, fearful reasons; economy and religion being the main culprits. Oh and skin colour… although we have started letting coloured folk speak unannounced here and there, just for that good public image... not that anyone is listening mind you. This entire issue seems to have one glaring flaw that just doesn’t sit well with me at all; what gives anybody the right to own a piece of land in the first place? And why can’t a chicken claim a section for itself? Or a dung beetle, or a cuttle fish? Because they don’t have anything to offer us economically. And besides, we’re bigger and smarter than they are, so we can just blow the shit out of them if they don’t like what we’re doing… right? So fuck ‘em! I suppose it may be one thing to say that you own your car or your cd player or your twelve inch rubber dildo with the French tickler that plays ‘god Save the Queen’… but land? We are born of the land. We need it to live on. It feeds us and provides for us, we can’t own any piece of the Earth… the Earth already owns us. We’re fucked without it. The Earth on the other hand would be happier to see us bugger off. Luckily she won’t have to wait long it seems.

Let’s go back to how it all started. At some point someone looked at a piece of lush green real estate and simply said “fuck it, that’s mine!” Next, this man (well it wasn’t a woman, let’s face it) decided that if anyone else wanted to stay on his land they had to ‘pay’ him somehow. Skins, cows, sex… something. Now, in order to say which piece of land in particular was his he had to define a perimeter, a border, and within sed imaginary line he could do whatever he pleased and that was that. Eventually we had situations where most of the surrounding land had been ‘claimed’ by one dick or another and battles would break out over who would have the remaining land. Mostly this was due to the fact that the humans (or as I like to call them; hairless monkeys) of the day just couldn’t find a way to play friendly in the sand. Maybe coz they spoke in strange satanic tongues or had funny coloured skin. Of course only white men were arrogant enough to imagine they could own, govern and tax the land that fed them. Black men for the most part knew the land was sacred. Sure they had there designated areas with tribal laws etc, but they never claimed to ‘own’ any of it. Anyway, let’s jump forward, past all the slaughtering of natives, raping of forests and disposal of nuclear waste to today. Now we have a world that is divided to the most minute degrees (including water and air space for god’s sake) and governed by fear, which is based mainly on miscommunication (or unwillingness to communicate) and misunderstanding. So much so that it is nigh on impossible for me to uproot and move to another country without stripping naked, kneeling at a pagan alter while being showered in the blood of a boiled pig and declaring allegiance to Allah, Krishna, Buddha or Bush, while handing over an acceptable sum of local currency. Now they feel a little safer.

The concept of borders is essentially no different from a couple of three year olds fighting in a sand pit over a toy car. The basic problem is that as a race we have not yet managed to evolve beyond the emotional intelligence of an eight year old. That said, an eight year old has probably not yet learnt to fear the black kid who sits at the back of the classroom, or the girl in the front row with the pointy eyes… not unless his parents got to work on the poor bastard early that is. In fact come to think of it, even a three year old is more open and forgiving than most of the world’s population. Anyone can be a three year olds’ friend, even the African-Asian thalidomide girl from down the street.

What are we so damn afraid of anyway? Ideas? Basically, if a guy from the Middle East believes in a different imaginary sky man than I do, we will simply put up an imaginary fence and start shooting each other with very real bullets and fighting for our right to sit where the other guy is sitting. Not because we want his land, but just because we don’t want him to have it. I mean, that fucker dared to challenge my faith in that angry white bearded sky god I fear so much. Mind you, if that odd little man with the towel on his head has some money he can give me, then we might be able to make a deal… for a while at least. After all, this piece of dirt over here is mine… because I said so, that’s why… so there!

But what can I do? I’d say that killing some of these ‘land owners’ would help ease some of this tight assed fear and shit, but I’d only be labelled as a terrorist and create yet more reasons for the imaginary walls to be strengthened with those big scary thunder sticks. But maybe they’d stop to ask me why I was frustrated enough to want to kill them in the first place. Nah, they’re far too white to think of doing something stupid like that. And damn right too! I don’t want just any smelly immigrant to stroll into my country, live in my neighbourhood, go to my schools and take my jobs. Thank the lord Jesus Christ for weapons of mass destruction. Now we can all feel safe in our sheltered prisons and keep those dangerous and economically draining foreigners out. Ahh, I’m just so happy in my hole.

Fuck Me! – Sex and Evolution

I feel it’s time for me to voice my opinions on one of my favourite topics of mental and physical interest; sex. Sex is a primal instinct we all possess. How do you think it came to be that you are sitting here reading this? Consider your very lineage; every member of your ancestral line did, on at least one occasion have sexual relations with a member of the opposite gender. I use the word least as an extreme. I would guarantee that every one of them would have been just as highly sexually driven as you or I. How can I be so certain? Because I’m human, just as they were, and sexual desire is at the very core of what constitutes the makeup of the human species. Moreover, we are in fact the only species, other than dolphins and the bonobo apparently, to pursue sexual gratification for the mere pleasure alone (or so it would seem). After all, Freud postulated that we are in essence ‘pleasure seeking organisms’, driven by the sole purpose to seek pleasure and avoid pain (as a means of survival). Why then, when in a culture so hung up and afraid of sex, did our relatives all copulate so damn much? Because we need to for god’s sake! Sex is the only (unassisted) way to continue the existence of the human species or more specifically to ensure the survival of our DNA.

There is too much negative emphasis put on sex in our western societies. The guilt and fear surrounding this issue has blown the whole thing out of proportion. I mean, it’s actually seen as a bad idea for a family to sit around and watch porn together, yet somehow it’s ok for us all to watch people blow each others heads off in the latest Michael Bay flick. I wish for a day when Mum and Dad, brother and sister, grand-dad and Aunt Jane can all comfortably sit together and enjoy the latest works of Ron Jeremy and Asia Carerra while polishing the family dildo and sharing fuck photos over the dinner table. Why not? What are we ashamed of? Sex is a beautiful and spiritual part of life. It should be openly shared by the whole family, not hidden away behind a wall of fear and shame. Why do you think so many girls lose their virginity to some drunken red-neck football player in the back seat of his Shaggin’ wagon after the school dance? Wouldn’t you rather young Jenny discovers her sexual self in the safety of her own bed where she can comfortably explore this new stage of her life?

These days the average age for losing virginity is around fifteen years and getting younger. The kids know it’s all shit and they’re fucking younger and younger anyway. The problem is they are going into the act with little or no understanding of the whole thing and are being forced to do it in secret, for fear of persecution from their parents and teachers… the very people who should be creating a safety zone of education and fun. Think of how much fun we all could have had if we had no inhibitions or fears of sex when we started. It takes years of private discovery, experimentation and often heart breaking mistakes to learn what the whole thing’s about anyway. How many mothers sit down with their daughters and teach them the finer points of giving a good blow job, or for that matter even teach the poor girl how to make best use of her clitoris? And how many guys out there have fond memories of when Dad showed them the best method for waxing his carrot or how much pressure to apply when fisting a girl for the first time? Not very many I bet.

One of the greatest lies I was ever told came from my teachers in primary school. In a vain attempt to teach us about the human body, we were shown a video about a poor guy who cums in his pants every time he sees a girl he likes in the school locker room. Scary enough, but this walking fire hose of love didn’t just dribble out a few drops of jizz in his jocks like you might expect in any regular wet-dream, no, he gushes forth with what looks like the result of a boy who was never quite toilet trained properly. Now here I was at the influential pre-pubescent age of about ten petrified that the next girl I look at would insight a tsunami in my pants that could take out a small Indonesian village. I lived with this fear for about six years until I finally came to the conclusion, through my own experiences that I had been bull-shitted by my educators. What sort of message do you think that sent to me about my peers? Not to mention the fact that I was petrified of even talking to girls for years… forget ever even hoping to get laid any time soon. Maybe that was the point… scare me into abstinence. Fuckers! I missed out on years of valuable, important and just plain fun sex because I was scared of what unknown horrors my body would produce in the proceedings. We do this to our children every time we tell them it’s wrong to touch their ‘private’ or ‘naughty’ bits, or when we freak out and yell at them after finding a condom in their room. Perhaps it’s time to put aside your own fears and start fresh with your kids. Don’t fuck them up just because you were.

And what about these ridiculous laws concerning ‘age of consent’? Why do we find it so wrong for anyone under sixteen to be sexually active? And god forbid a nineteen year old would ever dare have relations with a sixteen year old! That sort of activity could crash bring about Armageddon! We have already established that the average age the kids are getting into it is about fifteen anyway, so the law means shit to them. It’s only ‘adults’ that seem to be concerned about all this age crap. What’s really happening is that all the fears and misunderstandings of parents and leaders are being pushed onto the next generation, creating this endless cycle of guilt. But why? Well, the argument seems to be that children simply don’t understand what they are getting themselves into and therefore risk being mentally scarred by the realities of it all. But whose fault is that? Certainly not the kids. They are more than capable of understanding the intricacies and emotions of the sexual world… it’s just that nobody has taught them. We’re back to that cycle of fear and guilt I mentioned earlier. Basically it your fault for being too afraid to talk openly with your kids about it all. Look, sexuality should be a healthy part of a child’s vernacular from day one. And forget trying to generalize it by putting an age on this…. “When are they old enough to understand? Three years old, six, ten?” No… when your child starts asking questions about something, it means they are ready to deal with the answers. As much as he or she cares to find out anyway. They won’t give a shit if you don’t. Kids learn fear from their parents, so don’t hold back. Sit them down and show them a porno. “What? Outrageous!” I hear you say… but again, they are your fears that just spoke up, not the child’s. They will be fine, it’s you who needs to grow up.

Sex is a natural part of life… like eating or shitting, not to mention a beautiful, fun and spiritual activity. It can be a wonderful expression of love between people and is nature’s most reliable way of propagating the species. So what are we so afraid of? Why not try to open your mind a little wider on this issue and make a fresh start? It can all change with you.

Fuck you! – Swearing and the Higher State of Being

I’d like to begin my series of rants by dissecting and discussing the very language with which the majority of the industrialized western world thinks, speaks and writes; English. Of particular interest at this point is the concept of swearing, an issue I personally find to be complete bullshit. Why, I repeat why do we even have words we consider to be offensive? This just doesn’t make sense to me. They are merely words. Words that are usually far more versatile and descriptive than their more acceptable kin. Particularly the word ‘fuck’. No other word in the entire English language has as much power, versatility and history.

Of all words in the English language beginning with ‘f’, fuck is the only one referred to as the ‘f-word’. It can be used to describe pain, pleasure, hate and love. This highly useful ‘swear’ word is actually one of the oldest words in spoken language. Like most other words in the English language, fuck has its roots in a variety of other languages; German (ficken, meaning ‘to strike’), Dutch (fokken, meaning ‘to thrust’ or ‘to copulate’), Norwegian (fukka meaning ‘to copulate’) and Swedish (focka, meaning ‘to strike’ or ‘to copulate’). In early times, fuck, and its variant ancestors, was a legitimate word used to describe sex and, as it seems, force or aggression, just as it does today. Yet somewhere along the way some stuck-up religious (no doubt) prude decided he didn’t like the sound or meaning of the word, and so banished it to the realm of crudeness and sin. What a narrow-minded, egotistical cock-sucker! The word itself, as with all other ‘rude’, ‘crude’ and just plain ‘bad’ words holds no negative values in or of themselves. They are perfectly harmless. It is only in the intention of the person speaking these words, and the context in which they are spoken, that any negativity can be found.

The two most hated and feared words in the English language, as far as I can tell, are fuck and cunt. Note that both these words mainly deal with the concept of sex. What does that tell you about our view of this sacred, beautiful, and let’s face it, down-right fun activity? It seems the guilt and ‘sin’ surrounding this act still lives in our psyche even in this day and age. And who associated sex with sin? For this I shall point my accusing finger squarely at organized religion. (I will discuss this outdated and manipulative belief system a little later on in my rants, but for now we need to remember that most of what we believe and much of the governing systems in our culture stem from religion… Catholic, Christian and Jewish religions most predominantly… and is therefore in the firing line of many of my inquiries on life).

The absurdity of this issue stretches to ridiculous extremes. Often in newspapers, magazines and the like you will see an expletive written in forms such as ‘F**K’ etc. Now everybody is clearly intended to know what is being said, there is no mistake about it. So why bother censoring out the letters? If knowing what the word says can’t harm you then what’s the difference to anybody if they actually see the letters printed in full? It’s like saying that the letters themselves are so possessed by the devil that placing them together in that particular order would unleash the fires of hell, torture our souls and cause widespread terrorism. What the fuck!? Ok, so what if we were to rearrange the letters as in the brand name ‘FCUK’? Again, everybody knows what the word is making reference to, yet by simply switching the ‘C’ and the ‘U’ we have avoided long term prison terms and hefty fines. There is just no consistency in this argument I tells ya! The same could be argued for saying the word. Thinking it is apparently ok but saying the word out loud would make the long dead baby Jesus weep, but all that saying the word really does is open a passage for anyone in earshot to also think of that word… and thinking it is harmless, right? So the only time the words carry any danger is as they float through the air between my mouth and your ear. So by this rationale if we could cut out the necessity to speak and simply transmit the words telepathically then no harm would be done.

Thankfully, many of the other ‘swear’ words have been marginally downgraded to the realm of mildly offensive. These being; shit, piss, bugger, damn, hell and the like. Again, what categories do these words tend to fall into? If it does not have a religious connotation to it (hell, damn etc) then it is related to other private and ‘disgusting’ acts of human nature, namely sex and hygiene. Aren’t we a well-adjusted and open-minded species? Humans in the developed western world are apparently so disgusted with themselves that they choose to ignore the most fundamental elements of their survival. Basically, for some reason, we are so ashamed of things like pro-creation and bowel motion that we simply choose to ignore them and in fact assign guilt and shame to these perfectly natural and critically unavoidable functions. Hence, ‘swear words’. What a crock. I can understand that in centuries past, humans were more primitive in their thinking and strongly governed by religious belief and feared (or were taught to fear) anything they didn’t understand. But we have come a long way since those early days, and it’s about time we put such ancient and outdated modes of thought to rest.

The concept of a swear word is just that, a perception. It’s not real. They are just words. There is nothing to fear. So rest easy and have fun with language. At this point in our evolution, language is our most powerful tool, so use it freely and openly and for fuck sake grow up!!